Would You Tender Your Resignation?
Imagine that your CEO sent out the following memo to all employees in the company:
Dear Fellow Employee,
I invite you to submit to me your resignation. Let me first say that you do not have to; it is not obligatory. And, should you choose not to do so, I assure you there will be no punitive consequences.
However, if you do submit your resignation and I choose not to accept it, I guarantee a 10% bonus on the spot. Mind you, if you submit your resignation and I do accept it, your resignation would be considered to have been tendered voluntarily, and as such you will not be entitled to any severance.
Have a wonderful day!
Your CEO.
How would you react?
What would you do? What would the water cooler conversation be as soon as the memo went out?
If you are the head of the company, or a leader in the company, have you thought about what you would like the water cooler conversation to be? What percentage of the employees in your company do you think will tender their resignation? Do you think you will accept any of the resignations submitted?
Food for Thought is our way of sharing interesting concepts on corporate leadership and management with others who might find it useful. The thoughts offered are intended to be controversial and thought provoking. They are intended to help our readers intentionally realize their potential, what we call Potentionality.