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Cargill YVV feature

Cargill Campaign


In 2020, Cargill launched to showcase their hybrids throughout the growing season in lieu of in-person tours. In 2021, our opportunity was to revamp this site and to develop and execute a campaign concept to drive customers and potential customers to the site to witness how VICTORY hybrids stack up against the competition.

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Cargill’s Your Victory View campaign targeted canola growers across Western Canada who wanted instant access to real-time visuals and data on hybrid performance in their area without having to visit plot tours or talk to sales representatives. We wanted growers to have easy access to unbiased trial results throughout the season and gain a better understanding of the varieties that were performing best in their area - so they could make a more informed purchase decision.

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The visuals of this campaign focused on a physical map in 3D space, featuring VICTORY Canola field-signs or map pins to identify farm plots growing VICTORY Canola. These visuals translated the message to growers that they should look for VICTORY Canola trial results located close to their area. This was especially relevant to growers that were growing canola in the same growing conditions.

Farmers could access local results on the website, so the headline “Bringing performance trials to you. RIGHT TO YOU” and secondary messaging further underscored that you could access VICTORY Canola field trials from anywhere. The headline was focused initially on the fact that trials were spread out across Western Canada, with the secondary connotation being online, meaning to where they were.

Deliverables of this campaign included an updated website (, a variety of print and radio ads, e-blasts, social advertising on Twitter, programmatic media advertising using display and video, and a unique remarketing strategy for those who viewed the video to 100% where users would be engaged a second time with display creative.

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The Results

  • 2.2M+

    The Cargill team was pleased with the refreshed approach to promoting VICTORY Canola hybrids. As a result, we saw more than 120 Summer Tour Contest submissions and 190 ‘contact us’ submissions on the new site (a significant increase over previous years).

  • 6,700+

    Across print, digital and social, this campaign received over 2,200,000 impressions, 6,700 clicks, 359,000 video views, and 220,000 video completions.